Picture of Alicia Hearns

Alicia Hearns

Alicia Hearns is a content marketing specialist with Giatec Scientific Inc, a global company revolutionizing the construction industry by bringing smart concrete testing technologies and real-time data collection to the forefront of every jobsite. Giatec Scientific Inc., is revolutionizing the construction industry by bringing smart concrete testing technologies and real-time data collection to the forefront of every jobsite. We are bringing long-overdue change to a conservative industry by addressing the current challenges in concrete testing, analysis, design, and production.

Giatec 360™: An Online Concrete Monitoring Software for Testing Reporting

Giatec 360™ is the world’s most advanced web-based dashboard for controlling and predicting the quality of concrete pours. With this latest online concrete monitoring software, you are introduced to the next level in user management capabilities. These range from data reporting and data analytics for your SmartRock® wireless sensors. Once you have installed SmartRock sensors onsite, information regarding the temperature and strength of your concrete is available through the SmartRock mobile app. Furthermore, you can log in to the Giatec 360 dashboard online and gain access to additional features that give you even more insights into your concrete structures. Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now Learn More About Your Concrete With This Online Concrete Monitoring and Testing Reporting SoftwareThe Benefits of SmartRock Wireless Sensors SmartRock is a rugged,…

6 Ways You Know to Test Concrete Field Strength and 1 You May Not Know

When choosing a method for concrete strength measurement and concrete field strength monitoring, it is important for project managers to consider the impact that each technique will have on their schedule. While some testing processes can be done directly onsite, others require extra time in external facilities that deliver strength data. Time is not the only factor that contributes to project managers’ decisions. The accuracy of the testing process is just as important as it directly affects the concrete quality of the structure. Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now Understanding Concrete StrengthConcrete strength is a critical measure of how well a concrete mix can withstand external forces without breaking or failing. It’s typically measured in terms of compressive strength, which refers to the material’s ability to resist crushing forces….

Curing Techniques for Improving the Compressive Strength of Concrete

As we build concrete structures, it is important to know the ability they have to withstand compressive loading and to find ways to improve it. Therefore, this blog will delve into the advantages of three practical curing techniques to enhance the compressive strength of concrete. Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now What Is Concrete Curing?Concrete curing is the process of maintaining adequate moisture in concrete within a proper temperature range in order to aid cement hydration at early ages. Hydration is the chemical reaction between cement and water that results in the formation of various chemicals contributing to setting and hardening. Some of the factors that affect the hydration process are the initial concrete temperature, the ambient air temperature, the dimensions of the concrete, and the mix design….

Cut Down Your Project Schedule by Testing Concrete Strength Onsite

 A lack of productivity onsite is one of the most frustrating issues facing the construction industry today. Think about the hours you spend in a single day with no choice but to sit around and wait. Historically, this issue has been largely neglected in the industry. “Up to 66% of the day on a construction site dedicated to anything but actual building work” (LetsBuild). An inefficient jobsite means that your project deadlines won’t be met. This directly affects your bottom line as more funding is required to pay for additional labor. Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now Don’t Let Concrete Compressive Strength Tests Delay Your Project ScheduleThe strength of in-place concrete is most commonly measured by sending field-cured cylinders to a lab. There, they undergo a break test…

Offer Your Clients the Most Sophisticated Corrosion Assessment Tool with iCOR®

Does your company provide condition assessment services to your clients? When was the last time your customers understood the corrosion levels on the surface of their reinforcement? Conduct annual and even semi-annual testing to understand the condition of the rebar over time. Then estimate the remaining service life. Take your client satisfaction to the next level! Expand your condition assessment services today with the award-winning corrosion assessment tool called the iCOR®. Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now What Is Concrete Corrosion and Why Is It a Problem?Corrosion begins when harmful materials, such as CO2 and chloride from de-icing salt, penetrate the concrete and reach the steel reinforcement. As an electrochemical reaction, electrons migrate from the anodic zone to the cathodic zone. They release ferrous ions at the anode…

Remotely Monitor Your Concrete Structures in Cold Weather

During the winter months, when snow has taken over every inch of not only your driveway, but also your jobsite, it can be incredibly frustrating to carry on with regular construction operations. Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now If you are working on a concrete structure, the process of monitoring temperature and strength of your in-situ elements becomes even more time-consuming in these weather conditions. It is during these months of dropping temperatures that monitoring your concrete becomes much more critical as the rate of strength development decreases and durability can be compromised. For this reason, accurate and consistent readings of your concrete elements are important so that the quality of your structure is optimized.What is Cold Weather Concreting?The American Concrete Institute (ACI) 306: Guide to Cold Weather…

Testing Concrete Quality and Durability in Seconds with Surf™

As the demand for new concrete structures continues to increase, contractors need better and more efficient ways to test concrete quality and durability. For this purpose, several techniques have been developed and studied. One of those is Rapid Chloride Permeability Test (RCPT), which measures the concrete’s ability to resist chloride penetration and is standardized by ASTM C1202. Another is the electrical resistivity of concrete, which measures the concrete’s resistance to the flow of electrical current and is standardized by AASHTO T358, ASTM C1876, AASHTO TP 119 & CSA 23.3-26C. The RCPT tests have widely become accepted and are especially important for DOT’s when bridges and highways are undergoing construction. Additionally, they are useful for monitoring existing structures to determine and prevent deterioration of concrete and rebar corrosion due to chloride penetration.  Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit….

Common Challenges When Measuring Concrete Temperature Differential on the Construction Site

Controlling the temperature of concrete on construction sites poses many challenges. It is critical to keep track of your concrete temperature differential to ensure the optimal quality of concrete. It is also important because improper temperature measurement can lead to failed structures, increased project prices, and longer completion timelines. On-site temperature measurement can be tricky and although there are multiple options for temperature measurement, not all are created equal. This article will give an overview of what the ASTM covers and the challenges for on-site concrete temperature measurements. Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now Why Measure Concrete Temperature Differential On SiteFailing to properly measure concrete temperature can gravely compromise the strength development and the hydration process of your concrete element. If concrete is exposed to temperatures too high…

Access Your Concrete Data Anytime, Anywhere with SmartHub™

As the leading wireless sensor for monitoring concrete temperature and strength, SmartRock® gives you reliable and accurate data in real-time. The sensors are fully embedded in the concrete (secured on the rebar) before pouring. Temperature is constantly monitored by the sensor and is used to calculate the compressive strength of the in-situ element based on the maturity method. This means you know as soon as possible when your project is ready for the next steps in the construction process. Wanting to ensure you can get this information before you even head to the jobsite, so that you can plan your day ahead of schedule, we created SmartHub™, a remote monitoring system to access the SmartRock sensor data from anywhere anytime. Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now Access Your…

5 Pro Tips for Surviving World of Concrete 2020

World of Concrete, one of the largest annual construction tradeshows, is just over a month away. With an expected 1,500 companies and 60,000 registered industry professionals, this is an amazing opportunity to see new products and devices, attend skill-building workshops and educational seminars, and network with your industry peers. Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now Whether you are a seasoned veteran or an industry newcomer, in more than 700,000 square feet of exhibit space, the show floor can get overwhelming. That is why we have created a free WOC Survival Guide! With this eBook, you will learn the most convenient way to travel to and from the show, where to find the beat steaks on the Strip, how to get exclusive coupon codes for UberEats and Lyft, and…

Learning More About Concrete with Artificial Intelligence

One of the most talked about trends, not only in the construction industry, but in every field, is the discussion of the role of “big data”, especially when artificial intelligence comes into play. It’s undeniable that AI technology is better at handling large amounts of data than humans. What is done with this information is where the discussion becomes very interesting. Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now Currently, in the construction industry, artificial intelligence is largely being used to help make document management and project management systems more accessible. For example, to easily scan a PDF document and locate information quickly. AI technology is also being used to gather data collected by drones, recording devices, and internet of things (IoT) technologies, such as sensors.What is Artificial Intelligence and…

Canadian Concrete Expo: Predict Concrete Strength Before You Pour

The use of data and analytics has permeated all aspects of construction, and concrete is no exception. The value of data and information is really showing itself in this industry. Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now “For more than a decade, concrete contractors have been using sensors to collect data about the characteristics of concrete during the early stages of placement,” says Stuart Galloway, President, Canadian Concrete Expo. “Now, due to the collection of all this data and to the presence of automation, these technologies are reaching the point where they can be used to predict concrete characteristics/performance.” “Venture capital is pouring into automation and other digital technologies,” says Aali Alizadeh, Chief Product Officer, Giatec. “Our sensors have been used in more than 4,000 projects worldwide. We are…

The Importance of Moisture Testing Concrete Subfloors

Concrete is a permeable substance capable of absorbing and releasing moisture, which can continue to affect the RH of a slab long after it’s been placed. Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now Sources of Moisture in ConcreteThere are many ways that moisture gets into a concrete slab. Ground moisture can enter either through capillary action or as water vapor. Groundwater might be present due to a high-water table or poor drainage. Other ways include high air humidity, high relative humidity in the environment or leaking plumbing that goes through the slab.The high moisture in our story isn’t surprising given the age of the slab and the recent weather. Older slabs were often constructed without moisture barriers, or the moisture barrier has degraded over time. Or maybe a plumbing…

IoT Applications for the Construction Industry

The construction job site is now ripe for fundamental changes that enable productivity, safety, process improvement and new tools. The Internet of Things (IoT) is allowing for the deployment of simple low power sensors, like SmartRock® that are able to communicate cost-effectively. As IoT continues to become more ubiquitous, it’s having a greater impact on how the construction industry is turning around. IoT makes it possible for every stakeholder to understand what’s happening at every stage of the construction process in real-time from planning to actual construction, post-construction and how the building is operated during service. Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now While the construction industry is changing at a glacial pace, construction companies who are adopting technology to successfully address common workplace concerns and streamline processes are…

10 Ways to Get Your Field Teams to Use Construction Software

Introducing new technology and software into the construction industry has increasingly been a focus in recent years. This type of software can involve processing large amounts of data on numerous onsite activities, such as project scheduling, budget management, and more. Kickstarting this integration process is no easy task, especially when it requires convincing everyone involved in a project, or even an entire organization, to “go digital”. Often, an unwillingness to alter your day-to-day work schedule is the result of a lack of trust in these tools. Despite that, these software programs allow companies to embrace a “data-driven working approach”, helping regain control over project workflows, see an increase in productivity, and fewer delays. Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now One such software program is our Giatec 360 cloud…

How Concrete Cube Testing is Delaying Your Project Timeline

Time performance is one of the most crucial factors when working on a project. A delayed schedule not only eats into your profits, it also impacts your ability to start your next project on time. Frequent delays on site are a very common problem in the industry across the globe. According to a survey conducted by Cornerstone Projects LTD, contractors in the U.K. estimate that “up to 30% of their projects are subject to delays.” These delays can “cost companies up to 20% more than the initial estimated cost” of a project. Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now Delays are often caused by several different factors, including; poor planning, unrealistic scheduling, lack of or delay in information about the project, changes to the initial specifications, environmental conditions, and…

The Impact of the Labor Shortage in the Construction Industry

It’s no secret that the construction industry has been dealing with a severe labor shortage. While the industry itself is booming and the need for new buildings – such as residential homes, public housing, commercial real estate, and projects for public works and institutional buildings – has increased, the skilled workforce needed to complete these important projects has decreased significantly. Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now It’s a problem that can’t be fixed by a magic bullet, but the good news is that it’s not impossible to mitigate issues stemming from a rapidly declining labor pool.What Caused the Labor Shortage in the Construction Industry?From 2007 to 2011, during which the Great Recession of 2008-09 took place, the construction industry lost approximately 2 million workers. Many of these workers…

Eliminating Field-Cured Cylinders to Prevent Project Delays

For project managers and contractors, there is nothing more frustrating than when a job is running behind schedule. Not only does it eat into your profits, it also impacts your company’s reputation. Frequent delays on site are a very common problem in the industry. According to KPMG International’s Global Construction Project Owner’s Survey “only 25% of projects come within 10% of their original deadlines”. Delays are often blamed by a number of different factors, including; unavailable resources, improper material handling, poor productivity, equipment breakdowns, and poor work quality resulting in rework (Paul Netscher). Therefore, despite your best efforts to organize a carefully planned project schedule, many of these setbacks are out of your control. A frequent cause of delays on jobsites, that is often overlooked, is the time-consuming process of testing the compressive strength of concrete. Prove you concrete better…

Giatec®’s New SmartHub™ Remote Monitoring Device Gives Users Easy Access to Concrete Data Anytime, Anywhere

SmartHub Provides SmartRock® Users Concrete Temperature and Strength Data 24/7  Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now OTTAWA, Canada: Giatec®, world leader in concrete testing technologies, has announced the release of the newest generation of their SmartHub™ remote monitoring device. SmartHub works in conjunction with Giatec’s award-winning SmartRock® wireless sensors for accurate concrete temperature, temperature differential, and strength monitoring.  With the SmartHub, data can be collected remotely, eliminating the need to be on the jobsite to monitor the hardening of concrete. This allows users and their teams to not only optimize their project schedules by eliminating unnecessary time, money, and labor costs associated with collecting and analyzing concrete data, but also take advantage of the upgraded plug-and-play feature for effortless installation. “I was pleasantly surprised with the SmartHub’s instant set up. It took no time to just plug in, turn on, and my sensors updated instantly”, says Walter H. Flood, IV, Project Manager / Vice President, Flood Testing Labs, a Chicago materials testing company. The SmartHub device works by automatically collecting concrete data recorded by wireless…

Giatec® Reduces Cement Usage and CO2 Pollution with Backing from Sustainable Development Technology Canada

Giatec’s SmartRock™ AI Assistant, Roxi™, and SDTC Team-Up to Reduce Cement Use and Make Construction Sites Greener  Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now OTTAWA, Canada: Giatec®, world leader in concrete testing technologies, has announced that they are working to reduce cement usage on construction jobsites with their artificial intelligence program (AI), Roxi™, with funding and support from Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC). SDTC helps Canadian entrepreneurs accelerate the development and deployment of globally competitive clean technology solutions. Cement is not only the most expensive ingredient in a concrete mix, but its production is also responsible for 8% of global CO2 emissions. In a construction project, ready-mix concrete producers design concrete mixes to meet specific performance criteria to reach strength targets quickly.  However, the performance of concrete can be affected by various external factors including the quality variations in raw materials, ambient conditions, delivery time, pouring processes, jobsite curing conditions, etc. Currently, concrete producers have limited data and visibility into…

Advanced Corrosion Concrete Testing Technology Can Save Lives by Preventing Buildings from Collapse

Giatec® Patented iCOR® Technology to Help Meet New Concrete Structure Durability Inspection Requirements Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now Ottawa, Canada: Giatec®, world leader in concrete testing technologies, believes their iCOR® corrosion detection device can help save lives by preventing building collapses resulting from rebar and concrete structural damage.A South Florida condominium building recently collapsed due to ‘major structural damage’ and cracking to the concrete slab below the pool deck and the underground garage. As a result, the City of Miami has asked all owners of buildings over 6 stories to retain the services of a licensed structural engineer and to undertake a structural inspection for visible signs of distress by mid-August.The Florida case is one of many instances in which structures have collapsed as a result of…

Giatec launches AI-powered tool to optimize concrete mix design

Concrete technology firm Giatec is turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to help producers and contractors optimize their concrete mixes. Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now The Ottawa-based firm, which makes concrete sensors, among other testing technology, has introduced SmartMix, a web-based AI tool that will fine-tune concrete ingredient proportions and reduce cement usage, while still allowing mixes to meet project specifications.Giatec says the new tool, the first of its kind, takes advantage of millions of data points it’s collected from projects its sensors are in use on around the world, and builds on another of its software programs known as Roxi. By helping contractors design optimized mixes, with precise admixture and cement content, the company says the tool could also help lower greenhouse gas emissions tied to concrete…

SafeAI attracts $21m funding as SmartMix AI tool launches

News of SafeAI’s new funding to develop connected, autonomous sites follows Giatec’s launch of SmartMix AI tool. Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now SafeAI has announced $21 million in Series A funding led by Builders VC which will accelerate R&D and fuel global expansion to meet rising demand for autonomous heavy equipment.SafeAI is driving the transformation of the mining and construction industries through connected, autonomous sites. With chronic labour shortages, unsafe working conditions and frequent project delays, these industries are in a unique position to benefit from autonomy.Unlike on-road applications of the technology, autonomous heavy equipment operates in controlled environments, which means companies can create smarter, safer, more productive project sites today that create meaningful, near-term impact.“We are at a tipping point for autonomous heavy equipment,” said Bibhrajit Halder, founder and CEO at…

Breakthrough Concrete Artificial Intelligence Tool to Debut at ENR FutureTech Virtual Conference

Giatec® to present on SmartMix™, a new artificial intelligence software program for producers Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now Ottawa, Canada – Giatec®, the leader in concrete testing technology, is proud to debut the world’s first concrete artificial intelligence (AI) tool for producers, SmartMix™, at Engineering-News Record’s FutureTech conference today.SmartMix is the first web-based AI tool that allows producers to optimize concrete ingredient proportions, reduce cement usage, and predict the performance of their mixes while still meeting project specifications. Giatec believes this tool will lower Greenhouse Gas emissions resulting from concrete production by 400 million tons annually, the equivalent of taking 110 million cars off the road.SmartMix builds on Giatec’s first AI software program Roxi™, which has collected millions of data points from the company’s award-winning SmartRock® wireless…

Construction Site Safety Improves with Giatec’s New SmartBooster™ Device

SmartBooster™ Provides SmartRock® Users Safe Access to Real-Time Data Anywhere Onsite Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now Ottawa, ON – Giatec, world leader in concrete testing technologies, has announced the release of the SmartBooster. This intuitive device extends the range of users’ smartphones’ Bluetooth signal, making it possible to connect to the company’s award-winning SmartRock wireless concrete sensors from up to 50% further away. This makes it easier and safer for contractors to collect concrete data.A smartphone is designed to only communicate with devices in close proximity. With the SmartBooster device and an extended Bluetooth signal, real-time data from multiple SmartRock sensors across a user’s jobsite are automatically collected. This provides contractors and project managers constant access to data and insights on how their concrete is performing from…

Giatec’s AI-Based SmartMix™ Application Provides Concrete Producers Transparency on Mix Optimization and Performance Prediction

SmartMix™ Online Dashboard Equips Producers with a Comprehensive Platform that Improves Concrete Mix Performance and Reduces CO2 Emissions Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now OTTAWA, Canada: Giatec, world leader in concrete testing technologies and online concrete monitoring devices, has announced that their artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm, Roxi™, is now incorporated in SmartMix, a new web-based dashboard that enables producers to optimize concrete materials and predict the performance of their mixes. “The SmartMix platform has helped us communicate with our customers and provide transparency. We can give them better insights into when our mixes will achieve a specified early-age strength to help them with their construction schedule.” Patrick Frawley, P.E., Director of Quality Assurance, Central Concrete.With the SmartMix dashboard, producers can adjust the proportions of their concrete mixes, such…

Giatec Hosts Virtual Net Zero Construction Conference on Sustainable Concrete January 28th, 2021

The World’s Leading Sustainable Construction Innovators Converging at #N0CC This Week Converging at #N0CC This Week Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now OTTAWA, Canada: Giatec, world leader in concrete testing technologies, has announced that they will be kicking off a premier virtual event, the Net Zero Construction Conference, on January 28th, 2021. The one-day conference will bring together top leaders from North America and around the world to discuss the trends and technologies that are driving sustainable construction forward.Attendees will hear from experts from major organizations like the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Lafarge, Skanska, National Research Council of Canada, U.S. Concrete, and more. Topics to be covered include: Sustainable Construction Practices That Pay Off with Kiewit Sustainability Coordinator Ben Everswick The Drive to Net Zero: Going from “Talking…

Leader in Concrete Testing Technologies Forecasts Increasing Use of Tech Onsite in 2021

How will COVID-19 change the construction industry in 2021: Giatec’s review Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now OTTAWA, Canada: Giatec, a global company known for the first wireless concrete testing sensor and artificial intelligence, unveils their predictions for the construction industry in 2021 including a significant increase in the use of labor-saving tools, digital technologies and software, and growth in online learning.Jobsites are trying to adapt and find solutions to the challenges presented by the pandemic since it began in late 2019. It is predicted that the use of new technologies and construction automation software will increase because it will assist in reducing the amount of close contact between individuals onsite and follow health and safety guidelines in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19. These trends…

Giatec’s Roxi™ AI Program Wins IEEE’s Outstanding Clean Technology Award

Roxi, the First Artificial Intelligence Program for Concrete Testing, Helps Reduce Cement Usage on Jobsites Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now OTTAWA, Canada: Giatec, world leader in concrete testing technologies, has announced that their SmartRock® artificial intelligence program, Roxi™, has been recognized by the IEEE Ottawa Section as the winner of their 2020 Outstanding Clean Technology Company Recognition Award for its ability to “reduce cement usage and cut CO2 emissions”.Roxi was the first AI program created for concrete testing, built for Giatec’s award-winning SmartRock wireless concrete sensors. In addition to many other features, the program can analyze and suggest the amount of cement concrete producers need to include in their mixes during the design stage without compromising the concrete’s setting time or strength development. With less cement needed, this feature helps decrease…

Wireless SmartRock® Concrete Sensors Keep Construction Workers Safe During Pandemic

Giatec IoT-Based Concrete Testing Sensors Encourage Remote Work on Jobsites and Position Construction Companies Well for Recovery Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now OTTAWA, Canada: Giatec, frontrunner in concrete testing technologies, is leading the way in emphasizing safety on construction jobsites during COVID-19 with wireless concrete monitoring sensors, SmartRock®. These award-winning sensors give contractors access to a comprehensive analysis of their concrete’s performance directly on their mobile devices. This speeds up and enhances the process of collecting, analyzing, and sharing important data without the need to be in close contact with other workers on the jobsite.Since the global pandemic began in late 2019 construction projects around the world have been decreasing the number of workers onsite, or shutting down altogether, in an effort to reduce contact between individuals…

SmartRock® Mobile App Update Provides Contractors In-Depth View of Concrete Testing Data

Giatec’s Leading Wireless Sensor App Delivers Ease-of-Use and Deeper Insights Into Real-Time Concrete Data Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now OTTAWA, Canada: Giatec, world leader in concrete testing technologies, has announced that their SmartRock® mobile application has seen a fresh and intuitive mobile app and user interface design, giving contractors access to a more comprehensive analysis of concrete performance.All the updates have been designed to reflect SmartRock customers’ fast-paced environment on construction jobsites by speeding up and enhancing the ease with which they can collect and analyze important concrete data, a process which oftentimes directly effects project schedules. With these upgrades, SmartRock users can now activate multi-sensor processing options which allow them to automatically connect to every embedded sensor within range and download their data all on one…

Giatec Ranks No. 66 on the 2020 Growth List

Canadian Business unveils annual list of Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now Ottawa, Canada: Canadian Business today ranked Giatec No. 66 on the 32nd annual Growth List, the definitive ranking of Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies. Produced by Canada’s premier business and current affairs media brands, the Growth List ranks Canadian businesses on five-year revenue growth. Giatec made the 2020 Growth List with five-year revenue growth of 1,359%.Founded in 2010, Giatec is a global company revolutionizing the construction industry by bringing smart testing technologies and real-time data collection to the forefront of every jobsite. Giatec’s suite of hardware & software products has leveraged advanced technologies such as; Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Internet of Things (IoT), including; wireless concrete sensors, mobile apps, and advanced non-destructive technologies (NDT) to…

How to Reduce CO2 Pollution on Construction Sites? Giatec’s SmartRock® AI Assistant, Roxi™, and SDTC Have the Answer

Roxi, the First Artificial Intelligence Program for Concrete Testing, Helps Reduce Cement Usage with Funding from Sustainable Development Technology Canada Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now OTTAWA, Ontario, October 13, 2020 (Newswire) -​​​​​Giatec, world leader in concrete testing technologies, has announced that their artificial intelligence (AI) program, Roxi, has been trained with the help of Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) funding to reduce cement usage on construction jobsites during concrete testing. Traditionally, concrete producers do not have thorough visibility into the rate at which their concrete hardens on jobsites or in specific ambient conditions. As a result, they often add more cement than needed to their mixes to ensure specified strength targets are met. Now, Roxi provides more insights regarding the amount of cement that is needed, including the amount that can be…

Giatec Named Top Growing Company by the Globe and Mail for Second Year Running

Giatec ranked No. 281 in field of 400 of Canada’s Top Growing Companies in 2020 Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now OTTAWA, Canada – Giatec Scientific Inc. is pleased to announce they have placed number 281 in the inaugural Report on Business ranking of Canada’s Top Growing Companies. This list ranks Canadian companies on three-year revenue growth. Giatec earned its spot with a three-year growth of 128%.Founded in 2010, Giatec is a global company revolutionizing the construction industry by bringing smart testing technologies and real-time data collection to the forefront of every jobsite. Giatec’s suite of hardware & software products has leveraged advanced technologies such as; Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Internet of Things (IoT), including; wireless concrete sensors, mobile apps, and advanced non-destructive technologies (NDT) to drive innovation…

Giatec’s Newly Re-Engineered SmartRock® Concrete Sensor Launches with Dual-Temperature Functionality

Giatec Delivers Most Innovative Generation of SmartRock Wireless Sensor to the Market Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now OTTAWA, Canada: Giatec, world leader in concrete testing technologies, has announced that the re-design of their award-winning flagship product, SmartRock, now available to pre-order, has been re-engineered with game-changing dual temperature monitoring capabilities for mass concrete applications. First announced in February of 2020 at World of Concrete, this latest generation of SmartRock takes concrete testing to a whole new level.  In addition to an update in the sensor’s design, activation, installation, and wireless signal range, ‘SmartRock 3’ has been equipped with dual-temperature monitoring capabilities. This enables users to measure temperature values at two locations simultaneously. One temperature probe is located at the tip of the white temperature cable, another in…

Giatec, Leader in Concrete Testing Technologies, Celebrates 10th Birthday

With mobile apps, sensors, and the first concrete AI, Ottawa-based tech company celebrates 10 years of success. Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit. See how SmartRock can work for you. Download Now OTTAWA, ON – Giatec, world leader in concrete testing technologies, is excited to be celebrating their 10-year anniversary. Co-founded in 2010 by Dr. Pouria Ghods, CEO, and Dr. Aali Alizadeh, CTO, Giatec has been revolutionizing the construction industry by bringing smart IoT-based technologies and real-time data collection to the forefront of every jobsite.Giatec has been recognized by the Best Ottawa Business Awards, in Canadian Business and Macleans’ Growth 500 list of Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies, and as one of Canada’s Top Growing Companies by The Globe and Mail multiple years in a row. The company is also renowned for their product innovation, having won numerous awards…

About Giatec

Giatec is a global company revolutionizing the construction industry by bringing smart testing technologies and real-time data collection to the forefront of every jobsite. Giatec’s suite of hardware and software products has leveraged advanced technologies such as AI and the Internet of Things (IoT), including wireless concrete sensors, mobile apps, and advanced non-destructive technologies (NDT) to drive innovation throughout concrete’s lifecycle and reduce concrete’s carbon footprint.

Our suite of hardware and software products has leveraged advanced technologies such as; Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Internet of Things (IoT), including; wireless concrete sensors, mobile apps, and advanced non-destructive technologies (NDT) to drive innovation throughout concrete’s lifecycle.

Combining wireless concrete sensors and mobile apps, Giatec has developed smart IoT-based technologies, like SmartRock® concrete maturity sensors, for real-time monitoring of concrete properties. This provides critical information to contractors so they can make efficient and informed decisions on the jobsite, ultimately saving time and money. Ready-mix producers also leverage the SmartRock® Plus cloud, which gives them access to concrete performance data to optimize their mix designs.

Wireless Sensors and NDT Technologies

Our suite of hardware and software products has leveraged advanced technologies such as; Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Internet of Things (IoT), including; wireless concrete sensors, mobile apps, and advanced non-destructive technologies (NDT) to drive innovation throughout concrete’s lifecycle.

Combining wireless concrete sensors and mobile apps, Giatec has developed smart IoT-based technologies, like SmartRock® concrete maturity sensors, for real-time monitoring of concrete properties. This provides critical information to contractors so they can make efficient and informed decisions on the jobsite, ultimately saving time and money. Ready-mix producers also leverage the SmartRock® Plus cloud, which gives them access to concrete performance data to optimize their mix designs.


Prove you concrete better with the SmartRock® Prove-It Kit.

Watch how SmartRock can work for you.

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