With President Trump’s border wall plans heavily in the works, a North Carolina company is ready to get their hands dirty. Partnering with a construction company in Texas, a bid application to build a concrete wall using a patented ballistics concrete that has the capability to absorb bullets and dangerous scraps from explosions has been put forth.
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As stated by Clayton Amidon, officer of Amidon, Inc. – the manufacturers of this bullet-resistant concrete, it may look and feel like regular concrete, but unlike its counterparts, it carries with it unique absorption qualities.
To date and not surprisingly, this particular concrete mainly attracted clients from the Government of Defense, the United States Marine Corps, the Air Force, the Army and so forth. For example, as a contractor for the Obama administration Amidon had constructed large training facilities for live-fire practice for the Army and the Marine Corps.
By using bullet-proof concrete, the company’s founders, who all come from various military and law enforcement backgrounds, believe that it will provide law enforcement a safer place to operate out of.
Far from being driven by a political agenda, Amidon asserts that these concrete barricade panels are the perfect product for the border wall and the wall is a perfect opportunity to increase product awareness and help work towards expanding its production into the public sector.